Dental Section

The dental department at the Lapotet Center is a department specialized in providing health and treatment services related to oral and dental health. The team at this department consists of qualified dentists who specialize in various fields, such as general dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, periodontal treatment, dental implants, prosthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and others.

The La Beauté Center provides the latest in medical equipment and technology to comprehensively and effectively diagnose and treat dental and oral problems. Services such as teeth cleaning, cavity management, pain management, neurectomy, fixed and removable dentures, bridges, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and local and general anesthesia are provided when needed.

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احدث التركيبات السنية

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طب اسنان الأطفال

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معالجة الجذور والأعصاب

تصفح الخدمة


تصفح الخدمة

Department services

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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Dental implants

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Smiles (fixtures-lenses)

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Medical treatments

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Cosmetic and teeth whitening

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For reservations

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If there is any question about your treatment, please consult your consultant directly.

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